Saturday, March 17, 2007

How Many Idiots Does It Take...?

We've just switched over to a new system at work, and as a result, our new web page has been on the fritz. Unfortunately, our main catalogs at the library are dependent upon the website.

Well Nicole and I were sitting at reference, when I noticed some people were over at the catalog. I knew the catalog was shot, so I was just waiting for them to realize it and come over to ask me about the location of some books. 10 minutes later they're still standing there slack-jawed looking at the computer. Finally they came over, and the guy asked about a website for car prices. We gave them some, and they walked over to one of our computers on the perimeter. These don't have Internet access either, so Nicole and I just watched, waiting for them to realize and to come back.

1o minutes later they're still starting at a web page that won't come up. Then a THIRD person comes up, and they sit there for another 5 minutes. I just couldn't take it anymore, and I walked over to tell them that it didn't have Internet...jeez.

1 comment:

wdwallace said...

I revel in idiocacy, as it seems to make up the fabric of our lives. I see idiots all the time, also when I look in the mirror, and laugh it off as a fact of life. I enjoyed reading about your experiences.