Friday, January 26, 2007

Stranger Than A Gang Of Drunken Mimes

I don't have anything particularly interesting to write about in my life right now, so I'm going to do a post about some of the things in the news lately.

First, the State of the Union Address. Here is a link in case you want to read it for yourselves. I was reading it, when this excerpt caught my eye:

Our success in this war is often measured by the things that did not happen.

What?! You can't do that! Does anyone else remember the episode of the Simpsons with the Bear Patrol? Homer and Lisa are standing on the lawn and Homer says that the bear patrol must be working because he didn't see any bears. Lisa chides him and says you can't measure success by what you don't see. She then picks up a rocks and says "I could say this is a magical rock that keeps tigers away". Homer says "Interesting how does it work?". Lisa, exasperated, says "It doesn't! But I don't see any tigers around, do you?" Homer goes "How much do you want for that rock?". It's the same thing here. Granted, he does go on to list things they've supposedly stopped, but that was through intelligence, not because we were killing anything that moved in the desert.

The other news bit was this. As if robot rights weren't enough to make you feel like we're living in a sci-fi novel, the US military unveils a heat-ray. Yes, a heat-ray, though their calling it an "Active Denial" something-or-another. It's mounted on a big truck, so I don't think we have to worry about it being portable anytime soon, but it's kinda scary. It uses microwaves to boil the water under your skin. There's a video on the BBC website as well, under the technology section, in case you're interested. Oh and this little tidbit. The US Military is also seeking scientists to manufacture synthetic black ice to be used in combat. Now this means nothing to people who have lived in FL all their lives, though I'm not one of them. It just seems like such a bizarre tactic, though I supposed if used in someplace like the Middle East, where they don't have it, it could be quite effective.

Meh. That's all I have right now. Be sure to check out my post on Blog Supergroup! This week's topic - guilty TV pleasures.

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